Grab is an online transportation network and technology company that offers wide range of ride-sharing and logistics services through its app in Southeast Asia, specifically in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. I was tasked to design a blue sky transportation app for Grab as part of a conceptual assignment.

Context aware ability to detect on screen information. Eg: Able to retrieve location information and feed into the journey estimation. This feature also allows you to add more riders within your ride journey.

Interactive prototype
This prototype is done using my own personal prototype build tool using mainly Framer.js and GSAP as the foundation. It is code oriented and open to future technologies such as other APIs integration, AR/VR and is able to tap into native functionalities of a device such as gestures, force touch, gyroscope, accelerometer, etc.

Interactive prototype based on the Locations feature
The second tab is a feature that allows you to specify the pickup time for each rider. With the congestion feature, you are also able to figure out how congested is an area at a particular time.

Selecting a car service by comparing different services that Grab has to offer.

A summary of your booking confirmation where you can share it within the chatroom along with a final receipt screen that will show you the driver information.

User testing
Bringing the customer voice is extremely important when it comes to designing. There is no shortcut to developing better product instincts besides keen and close observation.
I performed a paper prototype testing. Very quickly with little effort I am able to validate and invalidate my ideas. It is just a quick and cheap way to test my ideas. I prefer paper prototype or a more hands on testing when we are facilitating creativity and new ideas exploration.
User is given the context of using WhatsApp to liaise transportation to a concert. He/She will need to make a booking within it. On each navigation, “Locations”, “Time”, “Cars” and “Booking”, user will be given tasks to complete. He/She will verbalise his/her thinking. User and myself will also sketch out design options on the fly if needed.
Common questions:
• What are you thinking right now? What do you see on the screen?
• Explain how you do these tasks (step by step).
• What kind of interactions do you expect on this screen?
• Did it meet your expectations? Is it confusing? Why?
• What do you wish was easier/different? What do you wish to see?
• What do you value most in our product?

Performed a paper prototype with the participant, sketching exercise to visualize her ideas on pen and paper. Finally a SUS (System Usability Scale) scoring sheet is handed to gauge the participant's impression towards the app. We achieved a SUS score of 85%